Meet the Dear FoundHer... Community
Meet the Dear FoundHer... Community
We’re pleased to introduce you to the amazing FoundHers that make up our incredible community. Take a moment to check out what they do, and make sure you connect with them on social media. Do you want to share your story and advice here? Click the button to submit.
Bonnie Wisener, Founder of Shift Nutrition and Wellness
Bonnie Wisener, Founder of Shift Nutrition and Wellness
Semonna Matz, Founder of Strong Like a Mother
Semonna Matz, Founder of Strong Like a Mother
Yelena Johnson, Founder of Cohesive Classrooms
Yelena Johnson, Founder of Cohesive Classrooms
Heather Redisch, Founder of Adulting 101 Masterclass
Heather Redisch, Founder of Adulting 101 Masterclass
Tara Baker, Founder of Trust - Estate Planning for New Families
Tara Baker, Founder of Trust - Estate Planning for New Families
Nicola Levine, Founder of Nicola Levine Photography
Nicola Levine, Founder of Nicola Levine Photography
Erin Wilson, Founder of The Law Office of Erin M Wilson LLC
Erin Wilson, Founder of The Law Office of Erin M Wilson LLC