Jodi Katzin, Founder of Just Be Coaching

Name: Jodi Katzin

Founder: Just Be Coaching

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What's your elevator pitch? (Ie. In one sentence, what do you do?)

After trying every diet and cleanse under the sun post babies and doing everything in my power to try to reach my pre-pregnancy weight, I realized that there was no external fix. I embarked on a journey of personal development and self-discovery and realized that the true work I needed to do was from the inside out. I turned my pain into purpose and became certified as an Eating Psychology Coach through the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.

Today I work with women who are in the throes of emotional eating, binge eating, chronic dieting and feeling uncomfortable in their skin. I partner with them on their journey towards self-compassion and acceptance…to realize that even if they are working towards achieving goals, they can learn to JUST BE. Just be happy and just be themselves -as they are right now, irrespective of the number on the scale.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Providing a safe space for women to heal their relationship with food and their bodies and creating a safe and judgment free zone for them to work towards their goals.

Let’s talk social media—who handles it for your company (you, an internal team member, an outsourced solution?) and what is the secret to making it successful? What is the biggest challenge?

I handle my own social media and for me consistency is the key. Showing up regularly and planning ahead even when I am not always feeling up to it. For me the biggest challenge is continuing to show up through the ebbs and flows and decreased engagement and questioning if my message is being received.

How did you land your first client?

Word of mouth. Someone from my distant past is a social worker and she referred one of her clients to me. This reinforces the importance of community and collaboration. And never burning bridges personally or professionally.

What was an obstacle you overcame to get your business where it is today? Please share the story behind it.

Definitely imposter syndrome. Given that my purpose is based on a problem I have personally experienced, every time I continue to struggle in this area, I question my ability to help others. However I remind myself that my experience makes me relatable and allows clients to truly feel seen and heard.

Do you want to share your story and advice with the Dear FoundHer… community?  CLICK HERE to submit your information. 

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Make sure you tune in to Dear FoundHer… for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. 


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