Beth Nydick, Founder of Beth Nydick Media

Name: Beth Nydick

Founder: Beth Nydick Media

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What's your elevator pitch? (Ie. In one sentence, what do you do?)

Caught on camera! Beth Nydick, the woman behind The F.A.M.E. LAB, has been seen strategizing over coffee in NJ. She's the secret weapon for anyone ready to turn paparazzi flashes into cash flows. Beth's clientele, ranging from authors to speakers, experts and coaches; always end up in the limelight—and they're laughing all the way to the bank!

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Supporting women to make bold moves despite their fears, living by my mantra "why not me?" Encourage each other to face challenges head-on and recognizing that self-promotion isn't selfish—it's a vital part of success. I want to change the narrative from "I can't" to "I can, I will, and I'm worth it."

How do you support other female founders and women in business?

I support other female founders and women in business by working with me in both group and privately. Additionally, I actively participate in female founder groups, where I am highly engaged.

What are three podcasts you listen to that have helped you with your business?

  1. The Inside Story with April Adams Pertuis

  2. The Mom's Exit

  3. Earn Your Happy

What lesson or skill did you take with you from a prior job to help you succeed in your role today?

As a former TV producer, I mastered the art of turning chaos into a system. This experience has been my secret weapon in my business.

What is something you do differently from the industry standard?

In media coaching, everyone focuses on how to get press, make friends with producers and editors, and secure media. What makes me different is that I take it a step further. I don't just teach you how to get exposure; I show you what to do next. I guide you on how to turn that exposure into paying clients, & leverage and amplify it to achieve your goals, whether it's landing a TEDx talk, a TV show, a book deal, or filling up your programs and offers. My approach ensures that every bit of visibility translates into tangible revenue.

What are three actionable tips you would give with other women who want to start a business or are just getting started?

Here are a few actionable tips :

  1. Build a girl squad: Surround yourself with like-minded women and mentors who can offer support, advice, and opportunities.

  2. Be a Self-Promotor: Visibility is key to opening doors and creating new opportunities.

  3. Leverage Every Opportunity: Think about how you can amplify your reach, secure more opportunities like TEDx talks or book deals, and ultimately, achieve your goals.

  4. Have Something to Say and Say It: Be vocal about your mission, your story, and your offers. Your voice is powerful—use it to make an impact and build your brand.

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