Stephanie Thoma, Founder of Holistic Ambition

Name: Stephanie Thoma

Founder: Holistic Ambition

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Who is Stephanie Thoma?

Stephanie Thoma is a Forbes-featured author of the best-selling networking book, Confident Introvert and founder of the personal growth company, Holistic Ambition. Stephanie helps ambitious professionals uncover their tangible next career steps into a fulfilling career. To date, Stephanie has helped thousands of people celebrate their strengths, step into their authentic confidence, and make meaningful connections through building out community at organizations like YPOSF, speaking at places like Harvard University, years behind-the-scenes at TEDx, and 1:1 coaching.

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do.

I work with emerging female entrepreneurs on identifying their niche, getting visible with public speaking and media and getting paid. I primarily work as a 1:1 coach and also have a podcast series and live event series celebrating the redefinition of ambition: Holistic Ambition. I am a catalyst for change for any professional who has burnt out and seeks a better way to work and live.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Being a FoundHer is celebrating being a woman doing what we were made to do- create and bring things into the world! Undefined by standard ways that has been done before, it's about being creative and in community with other women lifting one another up.

How do you support other female founders and women in business? 

I help female founders get clear on what they stand for as their niche, get visible on social media and media, and leverage and expand their network for paying clientele.

How did you land your first client?

I landed one of my first clients after my networking for introverts talk. I didn't have a call to action at the time, but 2 people approached me asking if I could mentor them, and one became my client.

What would you do differently if you were starting your business today?

I would document everything- aside from just taking photos at an event (high quality professional ones) I would record video and audio of them as well- it's content that could be used today had it been created, but at least now I know!

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