Audrey Saccone, Founder Audrey Digital

Name: Audrey Saccone

Company: Audrey Digital

Instagram | LinkedIn

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do. 

Audrey Digital is a marketing agency for expert digital entrepreneurs who are ready to scale the right way. From strategy and sales funnels to content development and design, we build and execute marketing from the ground up. Our creative partnership with our clients can also extend into continued growth, retention, community management, and operations support.

What lesson or skill did you take with you from a prior job to help you succeed in your role today? 

Following five and a half years in the non-profit sector, I moved into the online marketing space, where I worked for major players like Marie Forleo and Sophia Amoruso. Now, in my own marketing agency, I take the tried-and-true methods I learned from working with the best, coupled with a healthy dose of resourcefulness, to help established entrepreneurs find success with tools and strategies that work and are the most authentic to them.

What are three traits you need to be successful as a female founder and why?

  1. Community Mindset: We can't create impactful businesses without listening to our fellow leaders, clients, customers, and team members. Business doesn't happen in a silo.

  2. Resiliency: Business is hard — that's a given. But how do you keep going it feels impossible? When you have to fire that first employee or client? When you have to make the decision between getting a loan or calling it quits? You.just.keep.moving.forward.

  3. Integrity: When social media makes it more difficult (and expensive) to reach new followers, will you buy bot followers or will you dig deeper into your strategy? When it's time to hire, will you offer up a livable wage and benefits or will you offer the bare minimum? Choosing between the easy way out and the road less taken is hard — and not everyone chooses the integritous path. Choose to be the person that does.

How do you support other female founders and women in business? 

Creating community inside my industry (marketing) and outside of it has been a lifeline for me as I grow my business. Supporting my fellow female founders in their businesses — from the tangibles, like referrals, to the intangibles, like heart-to-heart chats — is what makes being a business owner both fulfilling and possible.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Being a FoundHER means doing things differently — taking the role of entrepreneurship and doing it better than ever before. FoundHERs aren't just interested in the bottom line (though that is important, of course) — we also approach leadership from the perspective of community and collective growth. We are continuously engaging in thought-provoking conversations inside our respective industries and out.

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Make sure you tune in to Dear FoundHer… for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. 


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