Name: Monica Garcia Duggal

Founder: Whole Health Plan


Who is Monica Garcia Duggal?

Monica has sold a company. She is a serial entrepreneur, mom, wife, Ironman Triathlon superstar, migraine headache survivor, speaker, and co-founder of She holds an English and Rhetoric double major degree from UC Berkeley and an Executive Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Washington Foster School of Business. She has received Executive and Business education from the NYU Stern School of Business; the University of Chicago Booth School of Business; the University of Berkeley Haas School of Business; the Wharton Business School, and the MIT Sloan School of Management.

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do.

The Whole Health Plan focuses on simple and sustainable practices that can change our relationships with our physiology, minds, and lives. Over time, these practices make room for an individual to have clarity in order to create the lifestyle they long for, by discarding themselves of distractions and time wasters that are not so obvious to the busy individual.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

It means succeeding as a female professional.

How do you support other female founders and women in business? 

I support other female founders and women in business by encouraging them to continue to show up and be in their power. I also hire many women businesses for projects I work on.

What lesson or skill did you take with you from a prior job to help you succeed in your role today?

I learned to be relaxed and to be focused when you are learning a new position. This has helped me succeed as it allowed me to understand that being a perfectionist was not a way to grow and learn new skills. I also learned to ask many questions and ask for clarification to help myself and the people I work with to get better results.

What are three strategies you use to market your business, grow brand awareness and generate bottom line growth?

I use a marketing business to help me with my social media, for brand awareness, I wrote a book entitled “The Power of Breath, The Gift of Self Actualization Through Meditation” by Monica Garcia Duggal, found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book stores. Finally, I use budgets to help me with my bottom-line growth. I like to work in quarters and longer-term five-year forecasting budgets and plans.

What was an obstacle you overcame to get your business where it is today? Please share the story behind it.

The obstacles I overcame were the reality that most of what we do is a learning process and that being a perfectionist is not the friend of growth and ultimate business success. I did not understand that being a perfectionist when I started my business was unhelpful; therefore, I started to work with executive coaches to help me get to the bottom of some of the obstacles I kept running into. I received a lot of self-awareness work through executive coaching. I have used professional executive coaching to help me make better and more profitable decisions for my business. These co-creating teams with my coaches allowed me to see if I have any blind spots or if there is something that I should address that I may have missed in my business.

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Mridu Parikh, Founder of Life is Organized
