Andrea Pass, Founder of Andrea Pass Public Relations

Name: Andrea Pass

Founder: Andrea Pass Public Relations

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Who is Andrea Pass?

Andrea Pass has excelled in the public relations field for over 30 years, having started her career at the CBS Radio Division before moving the agency side. She has served as Vice President, Media Relations at a number of firms before launching Andrea Pass Pubic Relations in 2018. She is proud to serve on the Board of the United Inventors Association, Workshop Council Chair of the Performance-Driven Marketing Institute, Leadership Team of the Northern & Central New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners and co-founder of Access Success Networking.

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do.

Andrea Pass creates and implements public relations campaigns in a wide range of categories including consumer products, lifestyle, business-to-business, education, health/wellness/fitness, beauty, food, authors, non-profits and more. Andrea Pass Public Relations has an expertise in national, regional and local media relations outreach. Her strength in relationships coupled with her knowledge of the ever-growing media base results in securing top tier, targeted media placements to increase brand awareness, reputation management and sales for established businesses and growing entrepreneurs alike.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Being a FoundHer is loving what you do and doing what you love. I have always loved public relations --- the excitement of pitching a story to the press and then seeing/hearing/watching the final product. As a solopreneaur of Andrea Pass Public Relations, I work closely with other entrepreneurs to increase brand awareness using press coverage. Together, we all succeed.

How do you support other female founders and women in business?

I am constantly supporting other women in business as an active member of the National Association of Women Business Owners, among many other groups. I take the time to introduce female founders and others to one another to constantly grow our networks. I frequently speak at events to help educate women in business about public relations and how it helps to grow sales.

At what point did you make your company a full time gig? How did you know the time was right?

For years, clients had been encouraging me to go out on my own. When one door was closing, the time was right to start my own public relations consultancy in June 2018. Within days, I had my first client and within weeks, I had a full slate of clients. I've never looked back.

What lesson or skill did you take with you from a prior job to help you succeed in your role today?

Every single day is an opportunity to learn something new and to share important educational tips with others. My prior positions in public relations taught me how effectively pitch the press to secure media coverage for clients. My instincts and relationships proved to be a successful skill in securing new clients.

How did you land your first client?

When I launched Andrea Pass Public Relations, a long-time client had left his position and had launched a new business. He became my first client and, in fact, gifted me my first batch of business cards. Those I knew through long-time relationships reach out to me and, within a few short weeks, I had a full slate of clients.

What is something you do differently from the industry standard?

I dive in the deep end. Many public relations professionals take weeks and weeks to "ramp up" and over-analyze. I begin press outreach immediately which means that clients see an ROI quickly. I set realistic expectations for press coverage and work closely with clients to increase awareness via media interviews, reviews, quotes and more.

What are three strategies you use to market your business, grow brand awareness and generate bottom line growth?

Andrea Pass Public Relations is a client of Andrea Pass Public Relations.

I spend time working on media outreach for my business via speaking engagements, press interviews, networking opportunities and more.

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