Allison Seller, Founder of Health Academy Inc.

Name: Allison Seller

Founder: Health Academy Inc.

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Who is Allison Seller?

I'm a former Health & Wellness Coach turned dedicated Business Coach, driven by a singular purpose: empowering fellow wellness entrepreneurs to construct businesses that resonate with their desired way of life. Motivated by my children, I underwent a transformation from a successful but time-consuming wellness business to a reinvented venture that tripled my income within just three months of relaunching.

Now, my fervent mission is to guide and inspire other wellness entrepreneurs on their journey to achieve the same harmonious balance and financial success.

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do.

Our company specializes in assisting wellness entrepreneurs in shifting away from the time-for-money model by crafting tailored, results-driven programs within their niche. We empower these entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential, enabling them to scale their businesses and achieve sustainable success.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Being a FoundHer means I am part of a powerful community that aligns perfectly with my mission. It signifies access to a wellspring of inspiration, motivation, and practical wisdom through the weekly letters and thought-provoking conversations with successful founders and entrepreneurs. And being a contributor to a community of like-minded women.

As I help wellness entrepreneurs build businesses that harmonize with their desired way of life, FoundHer reinforces the importance of empowering individuals to achieve both personal and professional fulfillment. It's a shared journey towards realizing our dreams and making a positive impact on the world. Building a life in alignment to the lifestyle you desire to lead as a mom, wife, friend, daughter and inspiring business leader.

How do you support other female founders and women in business?

Driven by my own transformative journey, I intimately understand the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. As a mother, wife, and business owner, I initially followed industry standards, which brought financial success but left me with little time for my family and personal fulfillment. I rebuilt my business to align with my desired lifestyle, and now, I'm deeply committed to working one-on-one with women, helping them craft businesses that prioritize their values and dreams. Moreover, within the supportive community of WELLthy Entrepreneurs, we collectively empower and inspire one another to achieve lasting success while embracing the importance of balance and well-being.

At what point did you make your company a full time gig? How did you know the time was right?

There was no significant moment from the outside looking in. It was a feeling, a knowing that if I didn't believe in myself than how was I suppose expect others to. With young kids still at home, a mortgage and as the primary provider for my family, I put in my notice and went ALL IN on my vision. Within the first 48 hours of leaving my corporate job and going all in on my business, I made more in those 2 days than I did in a typical month.

Let’s talk social media—who handles it for your company (you, an internal team member, an outsourced solution?) and what is the secret to making it successful? What is the biggest challenge?

I handle and manage my own social media. This is a space in which I am constantly looking to grow and evolve.

I have experienced success in client attraction using my social media as I am speaking directly to my perfect clients, sharing the results I am experiencing as a result of achieving my goals. I am my perfect client and therefore can relate.

What is something you do differently from the industry standard?

I offer/ sell results opposed to my time and a long list of deliverables and I help other wellness entrepreneurs to the same. When you are offering time, people need to decide if you are worth the investment. When you offer a result, people need to decide if they are worth the investment. This model and way of offering a program, coaching or mentorship naturally attracts highly motivated clients.

What would you do differently if you were starting your business today?

If I was starting a business today I would invest into support over a website or other apps, programs or supporting platforms we are aligning with success. The world is flooded with more information than we have ever had in the history of man kind and this information is all at our fingertips, yet we are more confused than we have ever been in the history of mankind. If I could do things differently, i would invest all the money I was going to put into the background of my business and put into in the support and leadership of someone who has gone before me and is experiencing success in alignment to what I desire to create.

What are three strategies you use to market your business, grow brand awareness and generate bottom line growth?


Growing my email list through entry level offerings

Events (both in personal and virtual)

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Stephanie Falk, Co-Founder of Pause to be Present


Jill Weissman, Founder of Beyond the Bib