S4. Ep. 275 It's Never Wrong to Do What's Right: How to Speak Up When You Own a Business

Given the events of this week with a certain Super Bowl commercial featuring a known rapper, Dear FoundHer... Host, Lindsay Pinchuk, wanted to address this important topic: How to speak out as a business owner. So in this episode, Lindsay herself discusses the critical importance of speaking out on social issues, particularly in the context of recent events affecting the Jewish community. She shares her personal experiences of using social media to address antisemitism and the backlash she faced, emphasizing that speaking up can lead to community growth and connection. Lindsay encourages listeners to craft meaningful messages that resonate with their audience and not to fear losing followers when taking a stand. The episode highlights the moral imperative to address humanitarian issues and offers practical advice for navigating these conversations in a business context.

Sound Bites

  • "It's never wrong to do what's right."

  • "We are better together."

  • "Hate and terrorism are not political."

  • "I have zero regrets about any of it."

  • "Craft a message that resonates with your community."

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S4. Ep. 276 Becoming an Overnight Success....After a Decade, with Ripley Rader, Founder of Ripley Rader


S4. Ep. 274 How to Navigate Your Post 40 Pivots, LIVE in Chicago with Pam Sunshine and Jenn Sherman of Sunny and Jenn