S3. Ep. 224 The Basics of User Generated Content for Your Small Business Marketing Plan, with Lindsay Pinchuk, Host of Dear FoundHer...

You've heard Lindsay Pinchuk say on so many occasions: Your community is your greatest asset. User Generated Content is one of the many reasons why.

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful marketing tactic that small business owners can utilize to drive awareness and build trust. It's cost-effective, provides fresh and diverse content, and fosters a sense of community and engagement. Small business owners can leverage UGC through customer testimonials and reviews, offering incentives for community members to post, hosting photo contests, sharing community stories, and using interactive quizzes, polls, and comments.

In today's conversation Lindsay will take you through the benefits of using UGC, ideas for UGC, how to execute a UGC campaign in your own marketing strategy and a case study showcasing how Lindsay used UGC for her own benefit with the Dear FoundHer... brand.

Grab Lindsay's guide: 30 Pieces of Content in Two Hours:

Grab Lindsay's E-Book:

THE PARTNERSHIP BLUEPRINT FOR SMALL BUSINESS: Your step-by-step guide to putting your brand in front of thousands of new customers.

If you like what you're hearing, please leave a rating or review at: https://ratethispodcast.com/dearfoundher

Grow your business + bottom line with a simplified strategy and process for your small business with Lindsay's group mentorship, Marketing Made Simple for Small Business. Check it out here: Use the code FOUNDHER for 20% off. Register here.

If you know a FoundHer... we should meet, please tell her to share her story with us here.

Don't forget to follow Lindsay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindsaypinchuk


S3. Ep. 225 Gail Simmons of Bravo's Top Chef on How She Manifested Her Own Destiny


S3. Ep. 223 She Baked 96,000 Cookies and Raised $420,000+ to Develop Pediatric Cancer Treatments....Today She's Granted $21 MILLION, with Gretchen Witt, Founder of Cookies for Kids' Cancer