S2. Ep. 196 Bobbi Brown and her 2.0: Jones Road Beauty (RERUN)

lindsay pinchuk

As promised, this week Dear FoundHer... is dropping our two most downloaded episodes of 2023! Coming in at #2....the incredible Bobbi Brown shares her story of her own 2.0: Jones Road Beauty. This is the same episode that aired earlier this year, there are no additions or updates. Stay tuned for our top downloaded episode tomorrow and then on Thursday, Lindsay Pinchuk rounds out the year with the lessons she's taking with her into 2024.

Bobbi shares how she built two majorly successful makeup brands, Bobbi Brown, and later Jones Road Beauty, by following her own lead and being herself. She talks about how it felt to walk away from her first business, separating her brand from her personal identity, and the importance of relationships.

Top takeaways from this interview:

  • A lot of entrepreneurship is just making stuff up

  • Even the most successful people, like Bobbi Brown, suffer from imposter syndrome. You just have to put yourself out there

  • Bobbi utilized her expertise and personal brand to teach and build authority–and so should you. 

  • The importance of spending as much time on your family as you do on your business–find the hacks and shortcuts

  • What feel like mountains really aren’t–break things down into actionable steps and figure out what you need to do to move forward


• “So much of my career is connecting with people. Now, they call it networking. It's just being myself.” (13:27-13:37 | Bobbi) 

• “I'm an upbeat and positive person. Which I think you need to be in order to be a good entrepreneur.” (19:55-20:02 “ Bobbi)

• “Bobbi Brown the person became a brand, apart from Bobbi Brown the brand.” (33:40-33:46 | Bobbi)

Connect with Bobbi Brown:

Instagram | http://www.instagram.com/justbobbidotcom

Website | http://www.jonesroadbeauty.com

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S2. Ep. 197 How to Overcome Social Media Insecurities with Peloton's Jenn Sherman (RERUN)


S2. Ep. 195 Managing (New Motherhood) in a Male Dominated Category with Jenna Goodring, Founder + CEO of The High Confectionary