S2. Ep. 114 Turning Three Emmy Awards and Two Decades into a Thriving Public Speaking Business with Kathryn Janicek, Founder of Kathryn Janicek Productions

“It’s not going the extra mile, it’s doing the job,” says Kathryn Janicek, 3-time Emmy-winning media and public speaking trainer. With more than 20 years of experience as a former TV executive, producer and spokesperson, Kathryn helps clients better connect with their audiences more effectively online, on-air, on stage, and in videos. In 2015, she founded Kathryn Janicek Productions, where as a training consultant, she helps her current clients–including Fortune 50 executives, pharmaceutical companies, startups and entrepreneurs–prepare for successful media appearances. Come in and meet Kathryn!

Top takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Start your service-based business by following demand.

  • Figure out what you don’t want to do and follow the one thing you love to do. That is when everything comes.

  • Show up and do the job to the best of your ability. That is how you get the jobs and the clients. 

  • The biggest struggle is making sure you remember the value in what you bring.

  • People do business with people, not logos or names. Show your personality; build your connection.


• “I don't want to say ‘go the extra mile’ because it's not the extra mile. I just do the job, and I don't stop until the job's done. That's how you get success. (32:21-32:36 | Kathryn)

• “People do business with people, they don’t do business with a logo or company or name.” (42:36-42:43 | Kathryn) 

• “I could not go after the kind of business that we're going after right now if I didn't have a strong team.” (21:26-21:32 | Kathryn)

• “I really had to follow one path. And that's when honestly, that's when more and more clients started coming. That's when our margins were much, much better. That's when our gross revenue really just started doubling every year, when I focused on one thing and that was media and public speaking training.” (13:58-14:17 | Kathryn)

Connect with Kathryn Janicek:

LinkedIn | http://www.linkedin.com/in/kathrynjanicek

Instagram | http://www.instagram.com/kathrynjanicek


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