S1. Ep. 108: Lindsay Pinchuk, Host of Dear FoundHer…


Top Ten Lessons from the First Year of My 2.0, with Lindsay Pinchuk, Host of Dear FoundHer...

"You have to ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen?  And then, can you live with that? If the answer is 'yes' it's time to move on," said Dear FoundHer... Host, Lindsay Pinchuk of her exit from her first company.   

It's been 15 months since she made the decision to leave the company she founded and sold.  And since then, a LOT has happened.  She started consulting other companies using her signature marketing strategy to build and monetize community for bottom line growth.  From there, she launched a workshop, which led to 1:1 coaching, public speaking and privately held workshops for clients. And of course, she launched Dear FoundHer... which is currently her most favorite endeavor to date AND the #1 marketing vehicle for her new business. 

Starting over is never easy, and as Lindsay admits today, she definitely doesn't have it all figured out.  But today she's sharing ten lessons she's learned from the first year of her 2.0.  These lessons are both personal and business related and as you'll hear her say, the personal lessons have helped to shape her day-to day when it comes to my business.   And while they aren't all business related,  they all relate to her business and ultimately the way she lives her life.

In today's episode you'll hear Lindsay:

Give more insight than ever before about WHY she chose to leave the company she founded.

  • How she knew it was time to leave. 

  • Her fear in leaving and trying to figure out what was next.

  • How she got her 2.0 off the ground. 

  • PLUS, her TOP TEN Lessons she learned from this year. Everything from the importance of reading a book (and why!) to what she's figured out is most important to her right now as a founder (x2.)

Lindsay also shares insight into her new class + workshop, Take On 2023: Make Yourself Stand Out. Students will walk away with an actual marketing strategy and actionable steps to implement it throughout 2023---ultimately building your community and growing your bottom line.  All it takes is a couple of hours a week—-and together you’ll build your marketing strategy, put it into action, and sustain it for years to come.  This class gives you Lindsay, showing up each week with nearly 25 years of marketing experience, sharing the step-by-step strategies and tips she used to build and grow her first 7-figure company, her current company, and the very same ones she uses with her clients  every day.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN and use the code TAKEON2023 through January 8th to save $200. 

Please don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe to Dear FoundHer on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Make sure you sign up for Lindsay's newsletter and have all of the takeaways from every podcast episode sent straight to your inbox. 

Follow Lindsay Pinchuk and Dear FoundHer... on Instagram for more. 

Stay tuned, season 2 of Dear FoundHer... kicks off on January 10th with special guest, Bobbi Brown. 


S.2 E.109 Bobbi Brown an Her 2.0: Jones Road Beauty


S1. Ep.107: Jenn Sherman, Peloton’s OG Instructor