Tamar Daniel, Founder of Liv Brands

Name: Tamar Daniel

Founder: Liv Brands

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Who is Tamar Daniel?

Mom, wife, business owner and friend who identifies and creates opportunity for herself and others. I’ve been an employee and I’ve been a founder. And then I discovered ETA (Entrepreneurship through Acquisition) and never looked back.

I bring an innate passion for design, branding, and merchandising,15 years of expertise and a track record of success at Anthropologie, Topshop, as well as sales experience with major retailers (Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Net a Porter) and celebrity stylists, my unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking comes with me to any organization or situation I work with.

In less than three sentences tell us about your company and what you do.

Now #midcareer, I've started a new chapter as a 'Self funded Searcher' which means I have a search fund (Liv brands) which finds legacy Fashion and Apparel businesses and structures deals to acquire, run and grow them. Currently I'm putting together a team to close on a Womens Wear company, and concurrently sourcing new deals and evaluating financing structures. We buy all or part of profitable businesses in fashion, apparel and home textiles making $3-10 million annual revenue.

What does BEING a FoundHer mean to you?

Buying businesses is really exciting and fun, I love this blend of stability and creativity and I encourage those who feel called or curious to dream big to learn more about this path and find your way to it. For me its about professional and personal freedom, and I've loved the community and opportunity in this space.

How do you support other female founders and women in business?

I'm a mom of five. A loyal friend. Both a leader and an introvert. A massive foodie and a passionate entrepreneur. I’m passionate about Women in business and about helping share experiences and mistakes. I'm part of a Women in 'Search' group where we review each others' deals and share resources, compare notes...

What lesson or skill did you take with you from a prior job to help you succeed in your role today?

I've put in many reps building pitch decks, business plans, and seeing potential in something very raw or unpolished. Those skills have really come to the fore in my #midcareer pivot.

Have you sold a business? If so, how did you know when it was time to sell? What were the steps you took to make it happen? What advice would you give to someone looking to sell?

I have! I was pregnant with my 5th child in 2019, Megan Markle had just worn several of my pieces very publicly, and people started to ask if I'd want to sell. Honestly, I dont think I had very good counsel and I would approach this very differently next time around.

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Make sure you tune in to Dear FoundHer… for new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. 


Kelsey Mora, Founder of Kelsey Mora PLLC